Friday, December 2, 2011

Your Advertisement

            My ad is a quicker cereal ad.  Actually, I did not have any magazine and I found it online. The target audience for all age group, especially who are very busy and need full nutrition in a short time. In this ad, the picture is not very effective but the clarity and simplicity are the strong point of it. It provides clear information what the costumer usually seeks. Second, it is for all class and all age group.

Elements of an Effective Layout

    According to Dorothy Cohen’s, it is easy to figure out which ad is appropriate or not. Ads should have a good layout that attracts attention and interest. It really helped "break down" the ad and understand it a little better. She says, the most important aspects of an effective layout are balance, proportion, movement, utility, clarity, and emphasis.  Ads should balance well formally that make easy to read, understand, and make judgments based solely on the picture. In my opinion, the most important principles are unity and clarity/simplicity. If the layout of an advertisement is not unified then it does not make any sense.  Although many different elements tie into a specific advertisement, they should all use the same basic shapes, color, sizes, textures, and mood in order to achieve unity.  It reflects the company’s products and services. In this visually oriented society, images are the vital part of the business world. Attractive images are far more likely to generate a positive impression.  Aside from unity, the clarity and simplicity should also be effective.  Too much information make ads crowd and customer are not able to grab the main point what the ads want to tell. Therefore, a cluttered advertisement can defeat the purpose of advertising. 

Democracy of Goods

            I think today’s society is almost depends up on an advertisement. Every people want to read magazine and try to figure out the recent advertisement. Therefore, advertisement should not be economic differences in social classes. Things should be available or perceived in the sense that all people can afford the same desired product. According to Roland Marchland in “Democracy of Goods” product should be “equal access to consumer products.”  I think this is the main analytical tool of this article. From this article, he tries to say that every ordinary product can make people feel them in high rank or make them feel like they 'belong' in a place that seems out of reach. He gives an example about “Cream of Wheat.”Every mother wants to give her kids the fun and benefits of cream of Wheat breakfast like other parents who have sufficient money to buy. Ronald wants to clarify about that how no matter how wealthy you are, you can live like the wealthy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


For today's blog, I want you to talk about an ad—on TV, in a magazine, on the radio, on the internet, etc.—that you find particularly effective. What makes it effective? Did it use humor? Was the product/service showcased well? Did you end up doing what the ad wanted you to?

Similarly, what's an ad that you think is especially ineffective? What stinks about it? Did it turn you off the product altogether?

 After reading this blog, I remembered my past event. One day I needed new clothe to attend my friend party. I did not know about appropriate store and did not have time to go to store either. One of my friends told me to buy these clothes from online and she gave me some commercial website. I kept searching and searching and finally I decided to buy clothes from Gap website.  I did not know why I chose that website. Might be its good images, color combination and bold text.  It’s big and color full images grab my attention and imagine the quality of product. It had color like grays, blues, and white, which is the symbol of “Trust and Knowledge”, made me to buy clothes from it.  It had a 25% discount offer wrote on a bold text.Might be that bold text discount offer  garbed my attention.Therefore, for good commercial add, they need to choose appropriate images color and text. If it has live add than it should also have humor and politeness that grab the consumer attention.

Peer Review ranking

I received all reviews on time and feel that each of the participants should receive ten out of ten. Lynzie , Rebeca, and Stephanie all gave good comments. I appreciated their comments. Their comments help me to improve my essay better. Thank you so much my group.


My thesis is acupuncture is the best choice for pain management, safety, and diseases treatment. Now a day’s people are facing different health problem. They are suffering from headaches, backache, nausea vomiting and other kinds of problem. They go to doctors’ office for advanced medication to eliminate pain; however, sometimes it does not cure the problem. Patients not only are struggling with pain, and the side effects of medications, but also the medical bills. To solve the patients’ pain, alternative therapy called Acupuncture is the best choice.