Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"University Days"

Of course, English writing is my hardest class throughout my college years. I am little bit a technical person. I like science and math course more rather than abstract. I did well in every class even in EN101.But I always scare with English composition. I took other Intensive English writing class but still feel uncomfortable. May be I am an international and English is my second language. Any way this class, EN 300, is my last class in my undergraduate college life, because this is my last semester and will be graduate on this December.

"On Keeping a Notebook"

I think keeping a notebook is very important .I do not think that is narcissistic because in this competitive society, people encounter different thing and want to share with someone but some time we do not find close one. In this situation notebook is a place to write things down to get them out of our mind. Yes I am agree with Joan Didion that keeping  notebook or blog is a sense of keeping in touch, it is not necessary to other people but we can contact with our past. Compare with past, nowadays people use internet or other electronic as a blog or notebook not only for keeping their feeling but also asking for comment or suggestion. I do not have a notebook or other kind of stuff to keep my feelings or things write down, but I may start from today and jot down in my notebook everyday feelings, things, and persons I encounter in my daily lives.

Who am I?

My name is Sattya Tiwari-Acharya. I am senior student of BS nursing in Washburn University. I am married and have two kids. I am from Nepal, which is in between China and India. I have been in USA since 2007. After completion my education I will return to my country.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I am new

I am the new one for this blog. I do not know whether I opened correctly or not.