Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1) Does the writer provide an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention?
Yes, because of the title “Once More to the Lake” attract me to find the thesis in the introduction. In addition, I found White explained about his fishing in summer in the Lake.

2) Does the writer focus on significant events in his or her life rather than trying to narrate his or her entire life’s story?
Yes, he describes his fishing event much and he mentions his other life event too.

3) Do the descriptions of the characters or important objects in the memoirs include sensory details that help readers to visualize, hear, smell or feel them?
  Yes, he describes sensory detail, which helps to visualize, hear, smell or feel. For example, he describe about dressing softly, the sprinkled cottage around the shore, the fresh smell of lumbar and the beauty of the lake.

4) Has the writer quoted speech or dialogue so as to reveal some important aspect of a character’s personality?

5) Does the writer narrate or describe events in a way that allows readers to connect them to experiences or relationships in their own lives?
Yes, his story reminds my past camping where I did fishing and hiking with my family.

6) Has the writer explained the significance of the people, events, places, or objects in shaping who he or she has become? Does this explanation make sense in relation to the events, people, places, and things described throughout the memoir?

7) Does the writer provide a conclusion that reinforces the point of the story?
Yes, for being an intimacy with family member we should go outing with family member.


1) Does the writer provide an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention?
Yes, the reader is easily grabs the story .I found a forty-one year old man remembering his past French student life. He had an experience about his French teacher.

2) Does the writer focus on significant events in his or her life rather than trying to narrate his or her entire life’s story?
 Yes, he mainly focused on his student life in Paris where he took his French classes.

3) Do the descriptions of the characters or important objects in the memoirs include sensory details that help readers to visualize, hear, smell or feel them?
 Yes, I can visualize his teacher who is like an arrogant person and have the tan skin color. I also feel his teacher was abusing his student.  

4) Has the writer quoted speech or dialogue so as to reveal some important aspect of a character’s personality?
Yes, he quoted a person dialogs, which helps to clear the person’s character.

5) Does the writer narrate or describe events in a way that allows readers to connect them to experiences or relationships in their own lives?
 Yes, I could imagine myself in his lives.

6) Has the writer explained the significance of the people, events, places, or objects in shaping who he or she has become? Does this explanation make sense in relation to the events, people, places, and things described throughout the memoir?
 Yes, everything has two parts positive and negative. He said his teacher was very strict and he was suffered from him. That suffered made him more labors. After that, he was success in his French language .

7) Does the writer provide a conclusion that reinforces the point of the story?
Yes, the writer provides a conclusion about abuse and hard work is two side of each coin. First, writer was suffered from his teacher and that made him hard to learn the French language. Second, writer understands what his teacher is saying. Therefore, if people have a pressure, sometime that kind of pressure makes man success.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sentence Variety

Sam drove to the mall in her car, bought a pair of boots and a shoeshine kit from the shoe store. Then, she went to the food court, bought a burrito that had onions and peppers on it. While she was eating the burrito, she saw a cute boy at the pretzel stand. The boy looked at her, and she blushed. Sam said hi when the boy walked over to her, but the boy wrinkled up his nose. Sam was confused, and said hi again. The boy gagged and walked away that made Sam shocked. Sam ran to the bathroom and cried .Afterward; she realized that she had bad breath. She shined her new boots and put it on. She walked out of the bathroom confidently. Sam found the boy and told him he needed manners. Sam kicked him by using her new boots. The boy fell to the ground. Sam walked away and out of the mall.


After reading the section II in the Elementary Principles of Composition, I found I have so many week points and strongest point of it. For example, I have a problem with keeping related words together. In the rule #20, “keep the related words together”, says we need to show the relation of the related words. I realized I always apart related word and made the sentence long by adding clause like “he noticed a large stain in the rug that was right in the center”. Therefore, I need to improve that kind of problem. In future, I will definitely revise that kind of problem in my essay.
 I guess I am strong with omitting needless word. According to “Elementary Principles of Composition rule #17”, a sentence should not contain unnecessary word e.g, in a hasty manner. In this sentence manner is unnecessary word so we need to omit this word and can write hastily.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

Summary Checklist

1. What is the thesis statement? Is it an accurate reflection of the author’s thesis
statement? Is it stated in your own words? How could you refine it to be more clear
and concise?
The thesis statement is a brief introduction on topic and theme of our paper.

2. How is the essay introduced? Do you mention the article’s title, author, purpose and
audience? Does it clearly set the tone for the paper and accurately reflect what is
discussed therein? Could it be improved?
By giving the author introduction. Yes, it can be improve.

3. What are the main points of the summary? How do you recognize them? Do you
leave out minor points and repetitive points for emphasis? Most importantly, do you
leave out your own opinion, feelings or conclusions on the subject of the article?
The main points of my paper are focus on four types of pressure that the students face: “economical, parental, peer, and self-induced.
4. How is the essay organized? Does it follow the organization of the original article?
What transitions do you use? Think of some additional possibilities for more logical
Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion

5. After your reading, can you say the thesis statement accurately reflects the topic and
focus of the essay? How is the essay concluded? What technique do you employ in
the conclusion? How is that effective or not?

6. Make sure to fix any major grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.

7. Is the sentence structure varied and interesting? Do you have any weak, overly
wordy, awkward, or confusing sentences? Does the essay strive to use active, direct,
present tense verbs?

8. Were the textual passages (quotes and paraphrases) well-chosen? Remember you
should try avoiding direct quotations when writing a summary.

9. Is the essay written in third-person? Are all instances of first- and second-person
removed from the piece?

10. Is the draft two to three (2-3) pages typed, double-spaced? Are all the margins oneinch