Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1) Does the writer provide an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention?
Yes, because of the title “Once More to the Lake” attract me to find the thesis in the introduction. In addition, I found White explained about his fishing in summer in the Lake.

2) Does the writer focus on significant events in his or her life rather than trying to narrate his or her entire life’s story?
Yes, he describes his fishing event much and he mentions his other life event too.

3) Do the descriptions of the characters or important objects in the memoirs include sensory details that help readers to visualize, hear, smell or feel them?
  Yes, he describes sensory detail, which helps to visualize, hear, smell or feel. For example, he describe about dressing softly, the sprinkled cottage around the shore, the fresh smell of lumbar and the beauty of the lake.

4) Has the writer quoted speech or dialogue so as to reveal some important aspect of a character’s personality?

5) Does the writer narrate or describe events in a way that allows readers to connect them to experiences or relationships in their own lives?
Yes, his story reminds my past camping where I did fishing and hiking with my family.

6) Has the writer explained the significance of the people, events, places, or objects in shaping who he or she has become? Does this explanation make sense in relation to the events, people, places, and things described throughout the memoir?

7) Does the writer provide a conclusion that reinforces the point of the story?
Yes, for being an intimacy with family member we should go outing with family member.

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