Sunday, October 16, 2011

"A morsel from the Garden of Eden"

Does the writer provide an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention?
Yes, the first line especially "it was my turn” grabs the reader’s  
attention. It makes me to read the whole story without discontinue.
 Does the writer focus on significant events in his or her life rather than trying to narrate   
 his or her entire life’s story?
Yes, he only focuses a singular event that is about how he has to take  
his grandfather while shopping.
Do the descriptions of the characters or important objects in the memoirs include  
sensory  details that help readers to visualize, hear, smell or feel them?
Yes, He gives some good description that makes me see exactly what he 
is describing like the food, facial expression of his grandfather while 
Has the writer quoted speech or dialogue so as to reveal some important aspect of a 
character’s personality?
 Yes, he quoted speech and dialogue very well which helped me to           
 understand the characters much easier. 

Does the writer narrate or describe events in a way that allows readers to connect them   
to experiences or relationships in their own lives?
Yes, after reading this story, I remembered my 72 years old  
grandmother who always wanted me to go to grocery, but I did not 
keep that event as   
special. I realized from this story that event is affected the writer's life.
 Has the writer explained the significance of the people, events, places, or objects in 
 shaping who he or she has become? Does this explanation make sense in relation to the
events, people, places, and things described throughout the memoir?
Does the writer provide a conclusion that reinforces the point of the story?

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